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QPR Actuals for 4th Quarter FY22 are due by 5:00pm.
QPR Actuals for 4th Quarter FY22 are due by 5:00pm.
QPR Actuals for 1st Quarter FY23 are due by 5:00pm.
QPR Actuals for 1st Quarter FY23 are due by 5:00pm.
2023 First Special Session Convenes
2023 First Special Session Convenes
2023 Regular Session Begins
2023 Regular Session Begins
2nd Quarter FY23 QPR Actuals are due by 5:00pm
** April 28th – 2nd Quarter FY23 QPR Actuals are due by 5:00pm (Friday, 4/28/23)**
FY2024 Operations Plans Instructions sent out and forms available in STAARS PB
**Begin entering the FY24 Operations Plans in STAARS Performance Budgeting (PB)**
All FY24 Operations Plans are due to the Executive Budget Office by 5:00pm
**All FY24 Operations Plans are due to the Executive Budget Office by 5:00pm (Monday, 7/31/23)**
**All FY23 (and Prior FY) Capital Outlay appropriation end date changes must be submitted.**
ALL FY23 (and Prior FY) Capital Outlay appropriation end date changes must be submitted.
**ALL FY23 Operations Plan Revisions must be submitted to Executive Budget Office for approval.**
ALL FY23 Operations Plan Revisions must be submitted to Executive Budget Office for approval.
FY2025 Budget Request Instructions sent out
FY2025 Budget Request Instructions sent out